Friday, September 28, 2012

To catch you all up on a few Isabella Go-ings ons...

The Fun continues as Isabella becomes her own little person! You know as mommy or daddy you've got your own "To Do" list that you'd like to accomplish on a weekend. Well, Isabella's "To Do" list consists of removing all of the tops and bottoms from her drawers (that I just washed, dried, folded and put away)and placing them where she would like them to go. All without the peering eyes of mom!
Now before you Judge...REALIZE that if you knew her dad and grandmother Susan, you would understand that this is innate! She craves a good cleaning supply like most kids crave juice!

This girl loves to walk...EVERYWHERE! She must have inherited that from Poppa!

I find it so entirely entertaining that shadows and minute bumps on the sidewalk are major roadblocks for little nugget. She is soooo overly cautious that she will stop in her tracks and scream for just a finger to provide the safety net she requires to climb that "mountain".
At that same time, when she's on the go...she's on the go!

More leisurely reading. Over and over I find myself saying..."She's soooooooo funny!"
We may do some entertaining stuff this weekend, well really she may entertain us this wkend, so I will try and post again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my she is SOOO funny! I love that you are blogging so we can keep up with her fun personality!
